Rubber cunt corsett
Outside with rubber cunt corsett. What could be better during a hot summerday than a little ride in full latex with an open car. Dressed up in rubber, feeling the warm summer wind on the nipples? Hm, a dream. Drive a bit around, enjoy the summer and the other people on the street, park somewhere in the green, masturbate a bit and some relaxing peeing. But the weather must be perfect for it, not to warm, not to cold, a bit sunshine. I did it a few times and it was everytime bizarre pleasure. Here with the new rubber pussy corsett, really a dream, strong latex, with the shoulder corsett, perfect finish and of course with this little xtra, this real rubbercunt. Instead of the rubbercunt belt I have a rubbertoy belt and a pissbag, I will show you them in the next days here. Now enjoy with me a summer sunshine bizarre ride and have fun. This video is in a bit higher bitrate encoded for you, so perfect hdtv 16:9 video quality. Have a look here, what is possible with it. Xtra perverted rubber outfit in the sun. Yours' rubber cunt Ina.